- Latest paintings
- Slide Show of Paintings
- 2001 paintings
- 2000 paintings
- 1999 paintings
- Christmas 1998 sketches and paintings
- iMac and more sketches
- Palm trees in Mexico (okay, two trees)
- College art
- My painting style is largely influenced by Monet, Van Gogh, and many other artists, including cartoonists. Here are some links to others' sketches and paintings
Photographs- Some of the earlier photos on this site were taken with a QuickTake 200 camera. I've taken many more photos over the years, but haven't had time to organize and post them. The photos I took in January 1999 are from PageMill road in Palo Alto. They were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 900. I used a combination of cameras made by Sony, Nikon, Kodak, Fuji and Olympus to take the photos that appear in my Photoshop book.
Los Barriles |
San Francisco |
Mountain View |
San Mateo |